Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Survivor Bag Ministry

These are survivor kits for the homeless people on the streets.  While we know soup kitchens, homeless shelters, churches, mission houses, etc. fill a huge need in the homeless community, there are always going to be those that slip through the cracks.  The ones who won't come to the soup kitchen or shelter.  The reasons are many - some valid, some questionable.  But we are not to judge, only to serve. And serve with the love of Jesus.  This may be a project your church, women's group or youth group might like to start.  We make these up about once a month, then we each take a couple, keep them in our cars, and when God places a homeless person in our path, we are prepared to help them.  We also add a tract, note or card.  In the winter we use a larger bag and put in a pair of gloves, knit hat and scarf.

We try to go to the city (Philly) whenever we can to distribute these and talk to the street homeless - sharing God's word with them. Whether you live near a city or not, there are always those on the street who need to hear the gospel - in addition to supplying their needs, these bags can be a great ice-breaker.


Years ago I lived near enough to the city to witness homelessness on almost a daily basis. Often I would sit in my car at an intersection where a homeless person would hold up a cardboard sign asking for work, food, money. My reaction was anything but Christian - usually some sarcastic remark followed by an angry "GET A JOB!" I was not a born-again Christian at the time and judging others was something I felt entitled to do.

Fast forward many years - I'm a saved Christian and on fire for the Lord. I no longer live near the city - I live a couple of hours away, however I have a daughter who is attending college in the city and I'm driving there to visit her on a regular basis. And every time I visit her, I'm confronted with homelessness yet again. But now something feels different. I no longer feel anger - some strange new feeling has entered my heart. And I feel the Holy Spirit urging me to share whatever I might have in the car with these people. So I start bringing a little brown bag with some crackers and an apple in it. Yes, with the intention of giving it to a homeless person.

So one day I'm heading home, it's getting dark out, and I stop at a light in the city. There is a homeless guy - dirty, grungy and frankly very scary looking. I start to roll down my window and freeze. I can't do it. Fear has stopped me. Next stop light - same scenario. But this time I pray for strength and the Holy Spirit assures me. So I roll down my window and the homeless man - the very scary homeless man - walks over. My heart pounding, I stick my arm out with the bag, expecting something horrible to happen. And as I hand the bag to this very dirty, very grungy, very scary man, I lift my eyes up and look into his face. Lo and behold, the two eyes looking back at me were the eyes of Jesus! It was the most awesome moment of my life. Never in my wildest dreams would I have believed some homeless man could ever, would ever, be such a blessing TO ME. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Thank you, Jesus!

And from there God has directed HIS ministry - using myself and many others - to make the little brown bag grow into something more. Each item has been suggested by His Spirit and serves a purpose and need for these street people. All the glory goes to Him. Amen.